About Our School
Eagle Ridge Elementary School takes immense pride in delivering exceptional education to all students. The passionate teachers curate engaging lessons that align with the latest Arizona State Standards.
Eagle Ridge proudly employs PBIS, a school-wide framework that thoughtfully integrates research-based practices to teach and reinforce appropriate behavior and social skills. Furthermore, the school is designated as a No Place for Hate, where students cultivate character traits such as responsibility, fairness, citizenship, caring, trustworthiness, and respect.
Eagle Ridge offers many exciting classes, including art, music, and PE. Students visit the library once a week and have daily access to laptops in the classroom. After-the-bell classes include academic intervention, enrichment activities, and various youth development opportunities.
Here at Eagle Ridge, the mission is to empower students of all backgrounds to become lifelong learners. The ultimate goal is to create a culture that celebrates diversity and values that positively impact the world and its future.
Eagle Ridge is an AVID school committed to eliminating the opportunity gap by equipping every student with the tools they need to succeed in college and beyond, regardless of their background or circumstances.